Demo Videos of Android Projects

Portland Streetcar Data Collection App

Fare Survey

Interface for Portland Streetcar Inc. (PSI) Customer Service Representatives to collect fare information from passengers along with additional survey questions.

APC Validation Tool

Tool for PSI field staff to record boarding and alighting counts at each stop served along a route. The data is compared to counts generated by the vehicles Automatic Passenger Counters (APC). That information is used to calibrate the APC system.

TriMet Survey App

ODK Collect Integration

ODK Collect will launch the application to record location-based survey questions using a map interface. The data is bundled up and returned back to ODK Collect.

  • Origin: starting location of trip
  • Destination: ending location of trip
  • Boarding and Alighting: current route's on and off location
  • Transfers: additional routes used for trip

Login and Route Selection

Surveyors login to application and select a Route and Direction to begin collecting passenger's boarding and alighting locations for. Depending on the type of route selected, a different interface will be used.
  • Map-Based interface for MAX, Streetcar and Low Ridership
  • Scanning for Bus

Map-Based Interface

Surveyors can record a passengers boarding and alighting locations using 3 input methods. The number of records submitted can be increased for multiple passengers taking the same trip.
  • Stop List: boarding stop on left side and alighting on right side
  • Map: zoom to stop and select from map
  • Search: search for stop by name or stop id

Scanning Interface

Surveyor in the front of the bus will scan cards and hand them to passengers as they board. A GPS location is stored with each scan. When passengers get off the card is scanned again. The two scans are associated using the identifier encoded in each barcode to determine each passengers boarding and alighting locations.